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Images by Yumiko Ready and Ken Fowkes Selected by PhotoPlace Gallery

Published on 6/19/2024

Images by PACC members Yumiko Ready and Ken Fowkes have been selected for inclusion in the Botanical Exhibition at the PhotoPlace Gallery in Middlebury, Vermont. The exhibition features images created in the landscape, garden or studio that capture the spirit and character of plants, as well as our intimate connection to the plant world. All capture methods and processes were welcomed.  The juror was Lee Anne White, a fine art photographer who was the former editor-in-chief of Fine Gardening magazine.  Thirty-five Images were selected for exhibition in the gallery in Middlefield, and an additional forty images were selected for display in the Online Gallery on the PhotoPlace Gallery website.  The gallery exhibition will take place from July 5th through July 26th.  Make time to peruse these gorgeous images at

Yumiko's image Autumn Chorus in My Garden was selected for exhibition in the gallery and received one of three Honorable Mentions awarded by the gallery.

Yumiko says: This is one of my images recently exhibited in the group show Lasting Impressions, of Floral images by PACC members  at The Wheelhouse in San Jose. This piece reflects my passion for photography and my deep interest in nature and flora, with the leaves and seeds thoughtfully arranged on a sheet of handmade Japanese Washi paper.
Autumn Chorus in My Garden
Yumiko Ready: Autumn Chorus in My Garden

Yumiko's Blooms Interrupted, selected for the online gallery, was also awarded Image of the Month in the Open category of PACC's March 2023 Digital Competition.

Yumiko says: This image was taken in Stevens Creek Canyon the day after last year's rare snowfall. I noticed a large cherry tree branch, heavy with delicate pale pink blooms, on the verge of breaking off and blocking the canyon road. Snow flurries danced in the background, creating a magical scene I was eager to capture.
Blooms Interrupted
Yumiko Ready: Blooms Interrupted

Ken's image Hopeful was selected for exhibition in the gallery.

Ken says: I took this image of a sunflower way back in 2015, when I was first experimenting with intentional camera movement (ICM). In 2022, inspired by the remarkable spirit of the people of Ukraine, I reworked it into an impressionistic representation of the blue and yellow Ukraine flag.
Ken Fowkes: Hopeful

Ken's Big Heart, selected for the online gallery, appeared in the Pacific Art League's Group Show in March, 2023.

Ken says: This is one of my favorite images from my collection of botanical characters. 
Big Heart
Ken Fowkes: Big Heart

PhotoPlace Gallery, located in the oldest remaining residence in Middlebury, offers monthly juried exhibitions to photographers worldwide, each with a new topic and an internationally recognized juror.  All images selected for the Exhibition Gallery will hang in the physical gallery for the duration of the exhibit, while those selected for the Online Gallery will be viewable in the gallery by continuous-loop projection.  All images from both galleries remain permanently on the website, are reproduced in the exhibit catalog, and are promoted on social media.





PhotoPlace Gallery

  3 Park Street

  Middlebury, Vermont 05753


Botanical Exhibition:

  July 5 - 26 

  Exhibition Gallery:

  Online Gallery:


Gallery hours:

  11 am to 4 pm, Tuesday – Friday