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Image by Wright Schickli Selected by Black Box Gallery

Ellen Gilkerson | Published on 6/23/2024

Motorcycle on Main (Jackson, CA), an Image by PACC member Wright Schickli has been selected for inclusion in the Street + Night + Architecture juried group exhibition at the Black Box Gallery in Portland, Oregon.  The exhibition balances work from these three genres.  The juror was Todd Johnson, founder and director of the Black Box Gallery. Twenty-four images were selected for exhibition in the Gallery; and an additional thirty images, including Wright’s, were selected for the On-Line Annex Exhibition.  The in-gallery exhibition will take place July 1 through July 25.  All images will be viewable on the Black Box website on July 1 – see

Wright says:  Motorcycle on Main was captured in Jackson, California, during the most recent PACC  field trip to Gold Rush Country in Amador County (thanks for arranging, Peche!).  I took this shot late one starry evening from the balcony of my room at The National Hotel, which is right at the end of main street.  I put my camera on my tripod, did a few tests shots, and waited for things to happen.   I thought this shot combined Street, Night, and Architecture.

MbrInNews 2024_06 Schickli Motorcycle
Wright Schickli:  Motorcycle on Main (Jackson, CA)

Black Box Gallery is dedicated to the exhibition of contemporary photography.  Black Box’s juried international photo shows provide important opportunities for emerging and mid-career photographers.  Black Box supports and encourages the creative production, exhibition, and critical appreciation of contemporary photography.




Black Box Gallery

  811 East Burnside Street, #212

  Portland, OR 97214





Street + Night + Architecture Exhibition:

  July 1 – 25

  Opening reception:  Saturday, July 6, 3 to 5 pm

  Gallery hours:  Saturday:  12 to 5 pm

  Beginning July 1: