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Images by Elaine Heron and Chris Stevens¬-Yu Published in B & W Magazine

Ellen Gilkerson | Published on 2/4/2025

Four images by Elaine Heron and two images by Chris Stevens-Yu are among Black & White Magazine’s Special Issue 2024 Single Image Contest Winners (Issue 170). The issue comprises sixteen categories. Each image that is selected is given a full-page display. Within each category, one image is selected for a Spotlight award; and one image is selected by a panel of lay judges for a special People’s Choice award.

One of Elaine’s four images is Trunks. She says:  This photograph was taken in Kenya in 2024. Just as I saw this, the guide started to get the vehicle to move because the elephant was behind the trees, but I got him to stop. I like the framing; and it also shows the similar textures of the protection on both the elephant and the trees. It also is a bit of a play on the word "trunk".

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Elaine Heron:  Trunks

One of Chris’s images, Break Free, was the People’s Choice in the Cityscape/Street category. Chris says:  I made this image from the Manhattan Bridge when I noticed that the pigeons would take flight off of the bridge each time a subway train passed by. I waited for the next subway, and voila, this happened!

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Chris Stevens-Yu:  Break Free

Black & White Magazine, dating back to 1999, is a bi-monthly print magazine for lovers and collectors of black and white fine-art photography.




Black & White:

  P.O. Box 1529

  Ross, CA 94957



Issue No. 170 – 2024 Single Image Contest Winners: