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Images by Vardan Aroustamian, Ken Fowkes and Wright Schickli Selected by the Praxis Gallery

Ellen Gilkerson | Published on 1/27/2021

Images by PACC members Vardan AroustamianKen Fowkes, and Wright Schickli were selected for past, current, and future exhibitions at the Praxis Gallery and Photographic Arts Center in Minneapolis. 


Praxis Gallery is a non-profit community-based arts organization that aims to support the development of new and emerging photographic artists.  With an emphasis on creative expression and innovation, Praxis promotes photographic exhibitions and learning opportunities that inform, challenge and engage the individual artist, with an imperative on promoting the work of their artists to local and international audiences.

Vardan’s photo, Still Life with Pears and Box, was shown from August 22 to September 15, 2020, as part of Praxis’ Still Life exhibit.


Vardan says:  Still Life with Pears and Box is part of his Lesschromatic series where white wrapping tissue paper is used to reduce the intensity of color and at the same time emphasize it in a predominantly white surrounding.

Still Life with Pears and Box was the First Place image for the Open category in the PACC June 10, 2020, Digital Competition. 

Vardan Aroustamian: Still Life with Pears and Box

Ken’s photo, Spooning Leaves, was selected for Praxis’ recent Shape of Things exhibit and was on display from October 24 to November 9, 2020. 


Ken says:  I am always on the lookout for things in nature that prompt me to anthropomorphize. These two leaves reminded me of people cuddling.

Spooning was an Honorable Mention image for the Flora Print category in the 2019 PACC Annual Competition. 

Ken Fowkes: Spooning Leaves

Wright’s photo, Jane, is included in Praxis’ current Empty Places/Abandoned Spaces exhibit which runs from January 16 to January 30, 2021.


Wright says about Jane:  I was roaming around the backroads of Morgan Hill when I saw this abandoned car exquisitely decorated by graffiti, including expensive gold paint.  It looked like a concerted daytime, as opposed to Midnight, artistic effort.  Something Andy Warhol would have done!  I knew just what to do (stop immediately!), and I’m glad I was able to capture that moment with my Nikon Z7.


Wright Schickli: Jane

Images by Ken and Wright were selected for Praxis’ upcoming Abstract Image exhibit:

Ken says about Enfolded:  For years I had a corkscrew willow tree in my backyard upon which I practiced making images with long exposure and camera motion. I especially enjoyed doing this in the winter when the branches were bare. The tree is gone now, but sometimes I still enjoy looking through the thousands of images I made. Last year I discovered this one, made in January 2018.


Ken Fowkes: Enfolded

Wright says about Tidal Wave:  My son recently repainted his house, and I saw him pouring out the left-over paint samples to properly dispose of them.  He helped me take a series of photos  by carefully pouring the paint around my iPhone that was precariously held by me inside a pickle bucket.  Fortunately, my iPhone did not get splattered with paint . . . which is why I was afraid to use my Nikon Z7!

Tidal Wave (The Wave) was the Second Place image for the Open category in the PACC October 14, 2020, Digital Competition.

Wright Schickli: Tidal Wave

Wright says about Chromatic Aberration:  I captured this image with my infrared Nikon D750 full spectrum camera while laying down on my back on the sidewalk in front this photo of the Cantor Art Museum, as the sun was setting.  I really liked the shapes, colors and the burnished look.  The security guard at the museum, however, was not very amused because he didn’t notice my camera at first."

Chromatic Aberration (Yo Reinterpreted) was the Second Place image for the Open category in the PACC September 9, 2020, Digital Competition.

Wright Schickli: Chromatic Aberration



Praxis Gallery and Photo Arts Center

  2637 27th Avenue South

  Minneapolis, MN 55406


Home page:

Gallery 2021 (Includes the Empty Places : Abandoned Spaces exhibit):

Gallery 2020 (Includes the Shape of Things and Still Life exhibits; also the Empty Places : Abandoned Spaces exhibit):

Upcoming Abstract Image exhibit:


Ken, Vardan, and Wright enjoyed selecting, preparing, and submitting photos to Praxis.  Upcoming exhibits and deadlines for submissions are “The Portrait” (January 31) and “Animal Beings” (February 15).