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Images by Bob Carlin Selected by Marin Magazine

Ellen Gilkerson | Published on 12/28/2021

Two images by PACC member Bob Carlin have been selected for inclusion in the January, 2022, issue of Marin Magazine.
Family at Dusk was taken when Bob was on a walking safari, as opposed to a jeep safari in 2018, and this family of African elephants strolled through his campsite in Ngamo, Zimbabwe
MbrInNews 2021_12 Carlin Elephant
Bob Carlin:  Family at Dusk

Juvenile Mountain Gorilla, not in the mist was taken in the mountains of Rwanda in October, 2021.  This juvenile was part of a family of about twelve gorillas; and he had a twin brother, which is quite rare.   Bob says that it was quite a hike to get to the family – literally bushwhacking up steep and muddy terrain, but the experience of meeting the gorillas was amazing
MbrInNews 2021_12 Carlin Gorilla
Bob Carlin:  Juvenile Mountain Gorilla, not in the mist

The images are the lead images for Jeanne Cooper’s in-print article, On the Roam Again: Outdoor adventures, wildlife beckon travelers in 2022.


Family at Dusk also appears in the online version of the article, 4 Hot Destinations – National and International – for Those Craving an Adventure in the Great Outdoors, which is available now:




Marin Magazine

  1 Harbor Drive, Suite 208

  Sausalito CA 94965



4 Hot Destinations – National and International – for Those Craving an Adventure in the Great Outdoors