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Judy Kramer Presentation at the Sunnyvale Photographic Club

Ellen Gilkerson | Published on 5/18/2022

PACC member Judy Kramer will give a presentation on bird photography at the Sunnyvale Photographic Club on Monday, May 23.  The program, Every Bird Has a Story, will be illustrated with Judy’s photography.  She will give tips on bird photography and tell stories about local birds with her images.  The meeting begins at 7:30 PM, starting with 15-20 minutes of photo sharing by members, followed by Judy’s presentation.  Everyone is invited to attend.


The Sunnyvale Photographic Club is an association of amateur and professional photographers whose purpose is to provide educational and social opportunities that increase their enjoyment of photography.


Sunnyvale Photographic Club  

Every Bird Has a Story

  Judy Kramer

  Monday, May 23, 7:30 pm

  Sunnyvale Recreation Center, Murphy Park

  Corner of N. Sunnyvale Avenue & E. California Avenue


MbrInNews 2022_05 Kramer Tern
Judy Kramer:  Forster's Tern