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Image by Nadine Levin Published on Your Daily Photograph

Ellen Gilkerson | Published on 1/22/2023

Winter Lights And Wet Hardscape, an image by PACC member Nadine Levin, was selected to appear on the website on January 23.


Nadine took this image during a break from the rain at the Filoli Holiday Lights celebration.  The image is shown in the special section, Winter Explained, which was open to the photographer’s interpretation of winter.


Subscribers to Your Daily Photograph receive an email every morning at 9 AM PST with a link to a small selection of photographs that are available for sale for 24 hours or until purchased, whichever comes first.  Subscriptions are free.  The service of photography experts is led by Daniel Miller, owner of Duncan Miller Gallery.

MbrInNews 2023_01 Levin Lights
Nadine Levin:  Winter Lights And Wet Hardscape



Your Daily Photograph:


January 23 “Edition”: