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Image by Chris Stevens-Yu Selected by Black Box Gallery

Ken Fowkes | Published on 2/17/2023

Night Walker, an image by Chris Stevens-Yu, was selected by Black Box Gallery for inclusion in its Shadow and Light online annex exhibition, which opens March 1st and runs through March 20th.

About the Exhibit

Photography is the documentation of patterns of darkness and light. Shadows enhance the relationships of subjects in an image, they give definition and dimension, which complements the quality of the light values. Photographers have used dramatic shadows and patterns in black and white images and have also explored using ethereal and moody shadows and textures in color photography. For this exhibit, Black Box looked for a range of how shadow and light are interpreted by contemporary photographers.

About Night Walker

Chris says: Night Walker is yet another self portrait I made one very foggy, very late, night/morning in Dumbo, Brooklyn. I placed the camera on the ground and used a 12 second timer to get myself into place and hoped for the best. Definitely demonstrates the power of shadow and light.
Night Walker by Chris Stevens-Yu
Chris Stevens-Yu:  Night Walker

Black Box Gallery is dedicated to the exhibition of contemporary photography. Black Box’s juried international photo shows provide important opportunities for emerging and mid-career photographers. Black Box supports and encourages the creative production, exhibition and critical appreciation of contemporary photography.


Black Box Gallery
  811 East Burnside St. #212 Portland, Oregon 97214

Shadow and Light Exhibition
  March 1 - March 20