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Images by Sue Borg, Wright Schickli, and Bob Henderson Selected by Praxis Gallery

Ellen Gilkerson | Published on 4/1/2024

Images by PACC members Sue BorgWright Schickli, and Bob Henderson have been selected for inclusion in the On the Road Again Exhibition at Praxis Gallery and Photo Arts Center in Minneapolis.

For its On the Road Exhibition, Praxis Gallery solicited photographic artwork with images of interstates, blue highways, back roads, gravel roads, small towns, grand vistas, national parks, tourist traps, motels, waysides, truck stops, adventure, solitude, friendship, and kids in the back seat – take us on a trip where the journey is more important than the destination
  Dallas Crow, photographer / teacher / writer, was the juror.  The exhibition will be on the walls April 20 through May 11.  The opening reception will take place  on Saturday, April 20, 6 to 8 PM.  The temporary gallery may be seen at

Sue’s image of the Blue Ridge Mountains, The Distant Road, was captured in Asheville, North Carolina:  I was inspired by the layers and the mysterious-seeming road in the distance.

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Sue Borg:  The Distant Road

Wright’s image, Storm Brewing, has a story behind it:  This is one of many iPhone photos I captured from the passenger seat of our RV when my wife and I made one of our cross-country trips to Cincinnati during the Pandemic.  To beat boredom, I started taking photos of truckers that we passed on the Highway.  Most of them gave me very funny, and sometimes threatening, looks, or just didn’t notice, like Carolyn in this photo because she was focused on driving.
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Wright Schickli:  Storm Brewing

Bob’s image, Back Road to the Stars, was shot down California Highway 25 south of Pinnacles National Park:  I scouted the area for possible images of a comet a few years ago.  After photographing the comet, I turned around and was amazed to see the Milky Way, even though the moon was just setting, which added a bit of light to the foreground.  I relocated slightly to include the dirt farm road leading off toward the distant hills where they were intersected by the Milky Way.

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Bob Henderson:  Back Road to the Stars

Praxis Gallery and Photographic Arts Center is a non-profit community-based arts organization that aims to support the development of emerging photographic artists.  Praxis provides photographic exhibitions and learning opportunities that inform, challenge, and engage the individual artist, and promotes artists’ work to local and international audiences.




Praxis Gallery and Photo Arts Center:

  2637 27th Avenue South

  Minneapolis, MN 55406



On the Road Again Exhibition:

  April 20 – May 11

  Opening reception:  Saturday, April 20, 6 to 8 PM

  Online gallery (current location):


Gallery hours:

  Saturday:  12 PM to 5 PM 

  Tuesday through Friday:  By appointment – phone 612-345-5571