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Laurie Naiman Award

Laurie Naiman

What is The Spirit of Laurie Naiman Award?

This award was created by the Board of Directors of the Palo Alto Camera Club in 2019 to honor the life of the recently deceased member Laurie Naiman.  It is to be presented periodically to a member who embodies Laurie’s love of photography as well as his service to club and community. As part of the award the recipient shall choose an image from their portfolio to be designated as The Laurie Naiman Image to be labelled as such and displayed permanently on the club website.

About Laurie Naiman


J. Lawrence Naiman, M.D.

October 20, 1932 – June 23, 2019 

J. Lawrence (Laurie) Naiman attended Harbord Collegiate and University of Toronto, earning his medical degree in 1956. He trained in pediatric hematology-oncology at Boston Children’s Hospital (Harvard Medical School). Laurie moved to Philadelphia working first at the University of Pennsylvania and then was appointed Professor of Pediatrics at Temple University School of Medicine, and Chief of Hematology-Oncology at St Christopher’s Hospital for Children. He became known as a dedicated researcher and teacher, and for his compassionate clinical care. His proudest accomplishment was the development of a family support program for children with leukemia and cancer.   He was also instrumental in the establishment of the Ronald MacDonald House Charities. In 1984 Laurie moved to California as Medical Director of the Northern California Region of the American Red Cross Blood Services, and as Clinical Professor of Pediatrics at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford. 

Always an active photographer, he was a member of the Palo Alto Camera Club for over 30 years. He developed the club’s first website and was elected club president. Laurie was inspired by club members, and in turn, he mentored and inspired others. He served the club and the general community in numerous capacities. He is fondly remembered for his keen sense of humor and generous spirit. A Celebration of Life was held by the Palo Camera Club at the Palo Alto Art Center on September 22, 2019.

Laurie Naiman Award Winners

Ken Fowkes, 2024


This year, when the question of a Laurie Naiman award recipient came up there was really only one answer: Ken Fowkes.

Ken is the answer to almost every question -- Who knows how to do something? Or Why do we do it this way?

Ken joined the club in 2017, and by the next year, he was club Secretary. Ken explains that this was the first time he was on any Board, and he really liked how there was such a diversity of perspectives and priorities, yet everyone was working toward the same goal: To make the club a success.

By 2020, Ken was club Co-president. He explained that Covid actually made that job easier -- a year of social distancing and technical work with a new website host was perfect for an introverted techie like Ken.

In 2023, when Ken’s role as "Past President" expired, he volunteered to be Joe Petolino’s successor as Print Chair, making so many of our competitions and events come together for us.

About Sceloporus occidentalis, Ken says:


My first connection to the local photography community was back in 2012 when I entered the Palo Alto Weekly photo contest. One image from the exhibit, a woman refreshing her makeup on a bench at a museum, impressed me so much that I cut it out of the newspaper and saved it in my 'favorite photos' folder. It wasn't until years later that I got to know Laurie, but by then I'd forgotten all about saving that photo. After Laurie died I rediscovered it in my folder, saw Laurie's name in the caption, and suddenly remembered saving it. That moment of realizing I had a connection to Laurie that went back five years before I met him personally was profound, and an important part of why I picked Sceloporus Occidentalis to display here. It was selected for exhibition in the subsequent Palo Alto Weekly photo contest and, for me, has that gentle blend of quirkiness, humor, and warmth that I associate with Laurie's portraits.

This lovely young woman caught the lizard herself, but when it escaped and started crawling all over her, she was afraid - but only for a moment. I snapped this shot after she controlled her fear and posed for me. I love the confidence expressed in her direct gaze at the lens. The title, Sceloporus occidentalis, is meant to convey the precociousness of that confidence.

You can see Laurie's photo here: Untitled at the Art Museum

Sceloporus occidentalis

Ken Fowkes

Joe Petolino, 2022


Joe joined PACC in the Spring of 2016 and soon after that he answered a call for a print competition assistant. Later that year, he joined Stan Chism as a Print Co-Chair for 2017, and soon took over as Print Chair, where his "can do" attitude and technical talent led to a number of innovations. In response to some competitions running overtime, he put together a quick web app to display a countdown timer during print competitions. Dan saw the potential to use it for digital competitions as well, and with his help it eventually turned into the projection app that is used for all of our competitions today.


In the fall of 2017 Joe organized the first of what would become an annual exhibit of winning prints from PACC competitions at the Rinconada Library in Palo Alto.


In January 2018 Joe initiated a series of Photoshop Workshops, to complement Dan's Lightroom Workshops.


In April 2019, there was a small emergency with our competition database, when our web host discontinued support for a software library we'd been using. Joe was able to port the database over to the new library which he has been maintaining ever since. He also helped out with the transition of the PACC website to the Club Express platform, devising ways to integrate the competition database server with Club Express. This gave us, among other things, the competition Showcase website pages, which provide automatically generated galleries of winning images for each of our competitions, and the Showcase Exhibition page, which produces online exhibits that match PACC's physical exhibits, but live on indefinitely.


After 5+ years as Print Chair Joe has passed that baton but he continues to serve on the website committee.


About Our Team:


The image Joe chose is Our Team, a street portrait of two boys in Ubud, Bali, taken in 2009. They appear to be very close, maybe brothers, and the inscription on the shirt seemed appropriate as a title. When looking back on the many excellent portraits among Laurie's submissions, Joe felt it was obvious that Laurie had a real talent for capturing the personality of his subjects. Joe hopes that this image embodies a little bit of the spirit of Laurie Naiman.



Our Team

Joe Petolino

Dan Hartford, 2021

Dan Hartford was recognized in 2021 for his generous contributions to the club over many years. Dan became the Chair of Digital Competitions in 2011, only a year after joining the club, and continues in that role today. Members also appreciate the extensive Lightroom tutorial he has made available on our website, and his ongoing program of interactive Lightroom workshops.

As our club's longest sitting Board member, Dan has a wealth of valuable experience about how our club operates. His focus on keeping the club running smoothly plays a big part in our success.

About Alone in Skibbereen, Dan says:

When I was asked to select one of my images to be my selection to represent my being awarded the Spirit of Laurie Naiman Service Award for 2021, this image immediately came to mind. I did add another dozen or so to my short list to select from, but this one remained at the top of my list for several reasons. One reason is that Laurie himself helped me refine it to its essence. Another is that although the gentleman in the image is a heavier than Laurie, the white hair and other aspects of the subject in some ways reminds me of Laurie. And last, but not least, the look and feel of this image is very consistent with, and in fact is inspired by, the spirit of Laurie’s photography.


Alone in Skibbereen

Alone in Skibbereen

Dan Hartford

Jim Colton, 2019

When the Palo Alto Camera Club established the Spirit of Laurie Naiman award in 2019, Jim Colton was the obvious first choice. Jim served as club co-president in 2016 and 2017, at a time when renovations to our meeting space required the club to find a new meeting location. Jim established a strong working relationship with the City of Palo Alto and negotiated free use the Embarcadero Room at Rinconada Library, a big step up from our previous space. We continued to meet there until 2020 when the Covid-19 Pandemic ended in-person meetings.

After his role as co-president ended, Jim continued to spearhead our club's volunteer efforts for the City of Palo Alto. Providing volunteer photographers for City functions is part of the reciprocity that maintains our Palo Alto co-sponsorship status, which allows us to use City facilities at reduced cost.

Many club members have appreciated the opportunities to show their work at the exhibits that Jim arranged and coordinated every year at the Palo Alto Art Center and at the Mountain View Community School of Music and Arts. Jim's wonderful exhibit layouts were works of art in themselves!

Jim is also well known as a generous mentor, and a highly creative photographer who continually embraces new ideas and techniques.

About Modern Day Monk, Jim says:

When Laurie had helped me with a number of photography issues I got to see many of his photos. They often had a bit of whimsy or surprise to them, something unexpected. I chose the Modern Day Monk for that very reason. I wouldn't have expected a monk to have an iPad and indeed he didn't. He borrowed it from a tourist so he could take a photo of his fellow monks. I think of Laurie whenever I see this image.  


Modern Day Monk

Modern Day Monk
Jim Colton