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Images by Marcia Lepler and Allyson Ely Selected by Black Box Gallery

Ellen Gilkerson | Published on 1/30/2025

Images by Marcia Lepler and Allyson Ely were selected for inclusion in the Black and White: 2025 Exhibition at the Black Box Gallery in Portland, Oregon. Black and white photography has an important tradition of luminous, well-crafted, and thoughtfully composes imagery. For this exposition, Black Box sought images by contemporary photographers with their own modern voices, visions, and aesthetics. The juror was Todd Johnson, founder and director of the Black Box Gallery. Twenty-four images were selected for exhibition in the Gallery; and an additional thirty images were selected for the On-Line Annex Exhibition. The in-gallery exhibition will take place February 1 through February 25.  The opening reception will he held on Saturday, February 1, from 3 to 5 pm.


Links to the Gallery Exhibition and the On-Line Annex Exhibition are at: and White 2025-EP.html.

About her image in the On-Line Annex, The Joy of Friendship, Marcia says:  I recently took a two week trip to Egypt, and on the final day, we visited a large mosque in Cairo. While the others in our group entered the building, I stopped to take this photograph. Everything seemed to come together - leading lines, contrasting bright light and dark shade, decaying wood beams, and sunlit friends laughing together.
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Marcia Lepler:  The Joy of Friendship

Allyson says:  The Wheelbarrow is an early image of the loading dock at the cement facility where I am photographing. The silo interiors at that time were a fascinating display of artifacts and working machinery and equipment. It was this juxtaposition of the productive with the abandoned that gave this place an otherworldly feeling. Here, a wheelbarrow sits off to the side, marking a transition between two worlds.

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Allyson Ely:  The Wheelbarrow

Black Box Gallery is dedicated to the exhibition of contemporary photography. Black Box’s juried international photo shows provide important opportunities for emerging and mid-career photographers. Black Box supports and encourages the creative production, exhibition, and critical appreciation of contemporary photography.




Black Box Gallery

  811 East Burnside Street, #212

  Portland, OR 97214





Black and White: 2025 Exhibition:

  Gallery: and White-2025 Gallery Web/index.html

  On-Line Annex: and White-2025 Annex Web/index.html

  February 1 – 25 

  Opening reception:  Saturday, February 1, 3 to 5 pm

  Gallery hours:  Saturday:  12 to 5 pm