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Spring Print Exhibition

Published on 3/1/2020

Palo Alto Camera Club
Spring Print Exhibition
March 2-29, 2020
Community School of Music & Arts (CSMA)
Finn Center, 230 San Antonio Circle, Mountain View

Two for One by Christopher Stevens-Yu
"Two for One" by Christopher Stevens-Yu, one of 59 images on display at the exhibition, which includes landscape, portrait, flora, fauna, travel and more.
Partipating photographers: Diana O'Keefe Brady, Linda Chin, Allan Colby, Jim Colton, Maria Cordell, Romain Curutchet, Barbara Davidson, Ken Fowkes, Mark Gerow, Michael Goldstein, Dan Hartford, Judy Kramer, Nadine Levin, Mark Nadim, Joe Petolino, Ken Poulton, Branko Radonjic, Yumiko Ready, Richard Rhudy, Roberta Rhudy, Marie Schmitt, Steven Shpall, Christopher Stevens-Yu, Christel Taylor, Peche Turner, Mira Zaslove, Angelo Rolando

Artists' Reception
Saturday, March 7, 2020, 3-5PM, at CSMA,

Light refreshments will be served.