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Image by David Coleman among top three in 2018 SLAC Photowalk Competition

Laurie Naiman | Published on 8/27/2018

The following member(s): 
David Coleman

Were featured at: 
2018 SLAC Physics Photowalk

Monday, 27 August, 2018

David says:
SLAC Photowalk took a group of photographers, both amateur and professional, behind the scenes to photograph SLAC's world-class science facilities, including the world's longest linear accelerator, the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) and the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL).  More than 300 photos were submitted for the competition. One of my 
images, Fusion, was one of the three winning photos and it will now compete in the Global Physics Photowalk against photos taken at other big scientific labs around the world."

Congratulations, David - and best wishes vs images of scientific labs around the world.

