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Image by Jim Colton Appears in the Washington Post

Ellen Gilkerson | Published on 9/30/2020

PACC member Jim Colton’s image of the Raging Grannies appeared in a September 29 (2020) Washington Post article about the exit of Palantir from Palo Alto.   


As part of #NoTechForICE campaign, Mijente, supported by the Raging Grannies, organized a Good Riddance demonstration against Palantir on September 21, Palo Alto’s last day as Palantir’s headquarters. The following day, the Colorado section of Mijente held an Unwelcome Party in Denver, the new headquarters.  Palantir is reputed to have collected and analyzed data on immigrants for ICE.  Mijente is an immigration rights advocacy group.


Jim photographed the Palo Alto Palantir event. He is a member of Pro Bono Photo, a group of photographers who cover events for social and environmental justice in the Bay Area.  


To read the full article, go to:


Indybay, a website for social justice news, also published an article about the protests at Palantir.  Jim provided all images for the article:




Raging Grannies