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Suszi McFadden Awarded Grand Prize in Shadow & Light Magazine

Ellen Gilkerson | Published on 7/20/2022

PACC member Suszi McFadden has been awarded the Grand Prize and Cover Image in the recent Color It Red Special Edition of Shadow & Light Magazine.  The jurors were Tim Anderson, Ann Hart Marquis, and Pat Berrett.

Suz’s winning series, Laura in Crimson, features traveling model Laura New Myers.  Laura is a professional freelance international model, art director, hairstylist, makeup artist, and costume designer.  Laura’s wig, makeup, and outfit were originally a bright purple color.  When Suz heard about Shadow & Light Magazine’s special edition, she set out to colorize each of her favorite eight images to fit the magazine’s July/August Color It Red issue.  She is thrilled that all eight were accepted for publication.

Suz says:  To be honest, I’m still a little bit in shock.  I am honored to be selected among such amazing and talented photographers.  I am also grateful to club member Brandon Stauffer for telling me about the “Color It Red” opportunity. I love how everyone in this club is so supportive of one another.  I am inspired by you all daily.


The jury says:  The votes are in and the jury has left the building!  Congratulations are in order for Suszi McFadden for her electrifying portrait.  The final results were a challenge only because of the competition.

MbrInNews 2022_07 McFadden Red
Suszi McFadden:  Laura in Crimson
Cover & Grand Prize image for Shadow & Light Magazine

Shadow & Light Magazine seeks to discover and publish great images by emerging and established photographers alongside informative articles, critical insight, and compelling interviews.  It is available in both PDF and printed copy.


Shadow and Light Magazine has regular calls for submission.  You can learn more by subscribing – it’s only $10 a year for six issues (PDF).  Details on guidelines are online.  Word is that the September/October theme may be Landscape Photography.





Shadow & Light Magazine:


Suz McFadden:



Laura New Myers: