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Image by Nadine Levin Selected for Filter Photo Exhibition

Ellen Gilkerson | Published on 8/19/2022

An image by PACC member Nadine Levin has been selected for inclusion in the we like small things v.5 exhibition during the 2022 Filter Photo Festival in Chicago.  


This exhibition features photographic work that is at most 10” x 10” from 29 artists.  Jan Christian Bernabe, gallery director and founder of FLXST Contemporary and Fracas Gallery, was the judge.

Nadine’s image, Introspection, was created using multiple exposure in camera and ICM.  She says:  The title comes from what I see as an inward movement and a sphere shape on the left side suggesting an object to dwell upon while in the inner place.
MbrInNews 2022_08 Levin Introspection.jpg
Nadine Levin:  Introspection

The opening reception for we like small things v.5 and another exhibition, A More Fluid Atmosphere – a solo exhibition of photography by Rose Marie Cromwell, will take place on Friday, September 16, during the 2022 Filter Photo Festival.  Please see the website (link below) for more information.


In addition to the two exhibitions, the Festival includes portfolio reviews, roaming reviews, workshops, and artist talks.


Filter Photo is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to serve and support the photographic communities of Chicago and the Midwest, and to highlight Chicago as a vital center of the national photographic community.  In 2015, Filter Photo opened Filter Space, a permanent gallery and project space, in Chicago’s West Town neighborhood.





Filter Photo:  

  Filter Space (gallery)

  1821 W. Hubbard Street, Suite 207

  Chicago, IL 60622



we like small things v.5:

  Opening reception:  Friday, September 16, 6 to 9 pm

  Dates:  September 9 to October 22

  Gallery hours:  11 am to 5 pm, Monday through Saturday


2022 Filter Photo Festival

  Dates:  September 14-18