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Wright Schickli – Mini Portfolio Winner in Shadow & Light Magazine

Ellen Gilkerson | Published on 9/21/2022

PACC member Wright Schickli is one of seven Mini Portfolio winners to have images published in the Language of the Land September/October Edition of Shadow & Light Magazine.  The jurors were Tim Anderson, Ann Hart Marquis, and Pat Berrett.


Wright’s landscape Mini-Portfolio, A Beautiful Stillness, consists of five images using four different cameras.  Four were taken over the past two years in the U.S., and one was captured in the Galapagos in 2017.  


Wright says:  I entered a series in Shadow & Light’s Landscape contest for fun after being inspired by PACC.  I looked at the description for this contest closely, and it did not say “Natural Landscape” so...  for fun, I decided to try and fool them with Emerald Hills, which I captured in the basement of a Cincinnati Museum (Sssshh), and I guess it worked!  I’m glad they also liked my other four real Landscape photos closer to home, e.g., Palo Alto Baylands, where I walk but struggle to take good photos.


Here are the images included in the Mini Portfolio:

MbrInNews 2022_09 Schickli Emerald
Wright Schickli:  Emerald Hills, Cincinnati, Ohio
MbrInNews 2022_09 Schickli Baylands
Wright Schickli:  Palo Alto Baylands

MbrInNews 2022_09 Schickli Truckee
Wright Schickli:  Truckee, California

MbrInNews 2022_09 Schickli Sentinel
Wright Schickli:  Sentinel, Sonoran Desert
MbrInNews 2022_09 Schickli Dusk
Wright Schickli:  Dusk, Sullivan's Cove, Northern Galapagos



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