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Images by Allyson Ely and Ken Fowkes Selected by the Praxis Gallery

Ellen Gilkerson | Published on 7/6/2023

Images by PACC members Allyson Ely and Ken Fowkes have been selected for inclusion in upcoming exhibitions at the Praxis Gallery and Photo Arts Center in Minneapolis.

In the Abstract Exhibition, Praxis Gallery presents photographic works that explore the world through an abstracted lens; utilizing elements of color, light, shadow, texture, shape and line to express meaning outside of traditional representational and documentary styles of photography.  Ellen Jantzen, a photo-inspired artist who creates works that bridge the world of prints, photography and collage, was the juror.

Allyson has two images in the exhibition.   
She says about Face, Fort Point, 2022:  While looking out one of the small, north-facing arched casements at Fort Point, I noticed that the elements had corroded the sides of the cement window, transforming the material into something that resembled an abstract sculpture. The larger form appears to be masked, while the smaller form has features that resemble a face: a perfect example of pareidolia!*

About the second image, Enigma Variation No 3, she says:  This image was taken at Mission Bay, shooting through a glass window into a building interior; the shadow figures in the frame are reflections of passersby on the street. This photograph is part of a long- term project exploring the transformative effects of light.

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     Allyson Ely:  (L to R)  Face, Fort Point, 2022Enigma Variation No 3

Ken says:  Empty Inside was taken at Gamble Garden center one morning after a rainy night. I had to stand on my tippy toes with my arms fully extended to get this shot of a pink magnolia blossom. I like the color version fine, but converted to monochrome for submission to the Praxis Abstract exhibit because it looks even more mysterious.

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Ken Fowkes: Empty Inside

In the Liquid ~ Sky Exhibition, Praxis Gallery presents photographic artwork that explores the ideas of liquid and sky in their myriad iterations; from landscapes to still life – from scientific to conceptual, a broadly interpreted investigation of these forever flowing, forever ethereal ideas.


Allyson has one image, Flight, in this exhibition – not shown here – you’ll have to look at the Praxis website.  [See below for the link.]  She says:  This was photographed from a window on the second tier at Fort Point.  I was struck by the thick fog hugging the pier, the shaft of light that illuminated one windsurfer, and the wonderful moment when all three surfers were upright and aligned.


Both exhibitions will be on the walls July 15 – 29.  The opening reception will take place on Saturday, July 15 from 6 to 8 pm.  The current locations of the online exhibitions are: 

Abstract Exhibition:

Liquid ~ Sky Exhibition:


Praxis Gallery and Photographic Arts Center is a non-profit community-based arts organization that aims to support the development of emerging photographic artists.  Praxis provides photographic exhibitions and learning opportunities that inform, challenge, and engage the individual artist, and promotes artists’ work to local and international audiences.





Praxis Gallery and Photo Arts Center:

  2637 27th Avenue South

  Minneapolis, MN 55406



The Abstract Image and Liquid ~ Sky Exhibitions:

  July 15 - 29

  Opening reception:  Saturday, July 15, 6 to 8 PM

Online galleries:

  Abstract Exhibition:

  Liquid ~ Sky Exhibition:



Gallery hours:

  Tuesday through Friday:  By appointment – phone 612-345-5571

  Saturday:  12 PM to 5 PM during exhibitions


* Just in case I am not the only PACC member to whom pareidolia is a new word.  Pareidolia:  the perception of apparentlysignificant patterns or recognizableimages,especiallyfaces, in random or accidental arrangements ofshapes andlines.  Pronounced ˌperəˈdōlēə.  Now say it three times very quickly.