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Images by Kathy Raffel Selected by NANPA

Ellen Gilkerson | Published on 11/30/2023

Two images by PACC member Kathy Raffel were selected by the North American Nature Photography Association (NANPA) for inclusion in its 2024 NANPA Showcase


The six categories for the 2024 NANPA Showcase are Birds; Mammals; ‘Scapes; Altered Reality; Conservation; and Micro, Macro, and Other Wildlife.  The Top 24 comprises Best in Category Winner, First Runner-Up, and two Judges’ Choice images for each of the six categories.  These images receive recognition on the NANPA website and social media channels; and photographers are provided additional opportunities to showcase their work.  There are two additional levels of recognition, regardless of category – the Top 100 and the Top 250.  The Top 250 images appear in the annual issue of Expressions.  There were 3259 submissions from more than 400 photographers for the 2024 Showcase.

Kathy’s thrilling image, Basilisk lizard gets its snake, was in the Top 24 and received the Judges’ Choice award in the Micro, Macro and All Other Wildlife category.  She says:  I took this image during a trip to Costa Rica this past summer.  Within a few feet of the trail, we spotted a basilisk lizard which had just caught a coffee snake.  We watched in amazement as the snake struggled to get free.  Over about five minutes, the lizard gradually began swallowing the snake which twisted and pulled right up until the last moments when it disappeared down the lizard’s throat.

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Kathy Raffel:  Basilisk lizard gets its snake

Kathy’s other featured image, Spot-billed Toucanet tosses a palm fruit, in the Birds category, was one of the Top 250.  It was taken in May this year during a trip to the Atlantic rainforest on the east coast of Brazil.

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Kathy Raffel:  Spot-billed Toucanet tosses a palm fruit

The Top 24 and the Top 100 are shown on NANPA’s website at:  The Top 250 are displayed at:  Take your time and prepare to be gobsmacked, inspired, awed.


NANPA promotes the art and science of nature photography as a medium of communication, nature appreciation, and environmental protection.  NANPA’s many activities include educational opportunities, webinars, regional events, podcasts, a biennial nature photography summit, and the annual Showcase competition.  Expressions is a fully digital, interactive publication that highlights the 250 award-winning nature images from NANPA’s Showcase competition. 





North American Nature Photography Association:

  6382 Charleston Road

  Alma, IL 62807



2024 NANPA Showcase:

  Top 24 and Top 100:

  Top 250: