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Images by Sue Borg, Allyson Ely, Elaine Heron, Ken Fowkes Selected by PhotoPlace Gallery

Ellen Gilkerson | Published on 3/6/2024

Images by PACC members Sue BorgAllyson ElyElaine Heron, and Ken Fowkes were selected for the Quiet Landscape Exhibition at the PhotoPlace Gallery in Middlebury, Vermont.  PhotoPlace solicited all genres of landscape – natural, urban, industrial, and abstract – that show the world in a quiet mode.   The jurors were Jacob Hessler, a contemporary fine art photographer, and Alissa Hessler, a photographer and creative talent director.  Thirty-five Images were selected for Exhibition Gallery in Middlebury, and an additional 38 images were selected for display in the Online Gallery on the PhotoPlace Gallery website.  The exhibition will take place from April 5 through April 26.

Sue Borg’s “is-that-for-real” image, Resilience, was chosen for the Online Gallery.  

Yes, it’s for real!  She says:  
This was a small scene in Alaska which stood out among the more epic landscape scenes that I tend to focus on.  That little tree on the small patch of green on the otherwise harsh rugged mountain seemed to say "Resilience".  It appeared to spotlight the strength needed to thrive in that environment.  It was awesome in its own right within the majestic landscape.
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Sue Borg:  Resilience

Allyson Ely’s “are-we-surprised-that-it’s-black-and-white” image, Japanese Tea Garden, San Francisco, was selected for the Exhibition Gallery.  

She says:  This image is perhaps my favorite: it is part of the first series that I worked on, and it marked the beginning of my serious interest in photography.
  I was shooting in the Japanese Tea Garden late one afternoon and was struck by the reflection of reeds, bushes and trees in a small pond.  I waited until a koi swam out of the frame and captured a simpler image of fading light and patterns on the water.

Another image by Allyson, Fallen Branch, was selected for the Online Gallery.
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Allyson Ely:  Japanese Tea Garden, San Francisco

Wings of Spanish Moss, a stunning image by Elaine Heron, was selected for the Director’s Award for the Quiet Landscape Exhibition and appears in the Exhibition Gallery:  “The director’s choice had tremendous stopping power and a wonderful muted color palette.”  

Elaine says:  
This image, Wings of Spanish Moss, was taken last November at Caddo Lake, which is a shallow natural lake on the border of Texas and Louisiana.  In the fall, the cypress trees have beautiful colors; and the Spanish moss adds mystery and contrast to the color.  I enjoyed it for the subtle color palette and the touch of brighter color at the base of the tree.  This configuration of the moss looked like wings, hence the name.  

A second image by Elaine, Rhythm of the Surf, appears in the Online Gallery.

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Elaine Heron:  Wings of Spanish Moss

Ken Fowkes’ very quiet image, Northern California, was chosen for the Exhibition Gallery.  

He says:  
This was the scene looking to the southwest toward the coast from Russian Ridge on a late afternoon in February several years ago.  The sun was low in the sky to the right of the frame, providing a mix of back and side light, softened by the partly cloudy sky.  Looking toward the sea over the receding ridges of the Santa Cruz mountains always evokes in me a feeling of stillness.  The lowering sun adds an awareness of the passage of time that makes the moment feel precious.  I never get tired of it.  The image is heavily processed in my attempt to bring that feeling to me as I sit at the computer.  Ha!  Impossible! But I try.

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Ken Fowkes:  Northern California,

PhotoPlace Gallery, located in the oldest remaining residence in Middlebury, offers monthly juried exhibitions to photographers worldwide, each with a new topic and an internationally recognized juror.  All images selected for the Exhibition Gallery will hang in the physical gallery for the duration of the exhibit, while those selected for the Online Gallery will be viewable in the gallery by continuous-loop projection.  All images from both galleries remain permanently on the website, are reproduced in the exhibition catalog, and are promoted on social media.





PhotoPlace Gallery

  3 Park Street

  Middlebury, Vermont 05753


Quiet Landscape Exhibition:

  February 2 – 22 

  Exhibition Gallery:

  Online Gallery:


Gallery hours:

  11 am to 4 pm, Tuesday – Friday